How I want to live my life

How I want to live my life

I will continue to think very thoroughly and deeply about what it means to do good, and aim to actually do good instead of feel like I am doing good.


Once I identify what the good is, I will try to do a lot of it.

  • Though I still end up being partial to myself and close others rather than always valuing everyone impartially as an ideal utilitarian, I also use a significant amount of my resources to do good (beneficentrism).
    • I will try to do enough to put me at least in the 99.9th percentile of people who do good in the world.
      • This means I will dedicate my career and a lot of my excess wealth (at least 10% of income) towards this goal.
      • But I still will aim to live a comfortable life and prioritize my friends, family, and partner.
  • Once I’ve identified a strategy, building a large coalition of people really magnifies this impact
    • I see a key opportunity and skill of mine as empowering talent
  • Other than maximizing impartial impact, I will also have a fulfilling personal life and will aim to be a good friend, good brother, good son, good partner, good colleague, and good boss.


My current aim is to improve impartial well-being by reducing existential risk. I will do this by leading a growing, well-respected think tank that coordinates action towards reducing risks and securing benefits from frontier AI systems.


Some virtues I want to cultivate in order to do the above are...

  • Responsibility – I commit to taking full responsibility for the circumstances of my life, and my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. I will practice self-improvement. I will maintain self-control and practice moderation.
  • Scout mindset – I commit to believe what is true and not believe what is not true. I will be curious and empathetic in my interactions with others. I will follow the Litanies of Gendlin, Hodgell, and Tarski. I will follow the 12 virtues of rationality. I will not be afraid to change my mind or pivot my work when it’s best.
  • Integrity – I commit to being honest and reliable in what I do. I will operate with trust, cooperation, and accurate information and follow those rules of good conduct that allow communities (and the people within them) to thrive.
  • Benificentrism – I commit to making pursuit of the good a major project of my life. I commit to using my career and at least 10% of income to do good for the world from an impartial welfare maximizing perspective. When maximizing impartial welfare, I will practice radical empathy and scope sensitivity.
  • Industry – I also commit to working hard – harder than most. I will work both harder and smarter. I will genuinely try hard to achieve my goals.
  • Empowerment – I commit to seeing all people and circumstances as potential allies. I commit to working with people who are aligned with my values to help them flourish and succeed. In my work, I strive to create a welcoming, trusting, safe, fair, and supportive culture that promotes collaboration, honest conversations, and respectful exchanges of ideas. I will be positive and constructive in my engagements with others. I will hold myself and my team accountable for reasoning well and focusing on impact. I will challenge others and contribute to an environment where others are comfortable challenging me. I will be supportive and encourage taking care and celebrate individual and team successes. I commit to seeing what is missing in the world as an invitation to become that which is required.
  • Candor – I commit to ending gossip, talking directly to people with whom I have an issue or concern, and encouraging others to talk directly to people with whom they have an issue or concern. If I have a problem, I will speak firmly but empathetically. I will face challenges and fears head-on and stand up for what you believe in, even in the face of adversity.
  • Love – I commit to living in appreciation and gratitude for all that life has given me. I commit to living with love for those around me. I commit to maintaining a positive outlook and I will work towards my goals with optimism and resilience.